The Open Cog Framework.- Knowledge Representation Using the Atomspace.-
Representing Procedural Knowledge.- Emotion, Motivation, Attention and
Control.- Attention Allocation.- Economic Goal and Action Selection.-
Integrative Procedure Evaluation.- Perceptual and Motor Hierarchies.-
Integrating Cog Prime with a Compositional Spatiotemporal Deep Learning
Network.- Making DeSTIN Representationally Transparent.- Bridging the
Symbolic/Subsymbolic Gap.- Procedure Learning as Program Learning.-
Learning Procedures via Imitation, Reinforcement and Correction.-
Procedure Learning via Adaptively Biased Hillclimbing.- Probabilistic
Evolutionary Procedure Learning.- Probabilistic Logic Networks.-
Spatio-Temporal Inference.- Adaptive, Integrative Inference Control.-
Pattern Mining..- Speculative Concept Formation.- Dimensional
Embedding.- Mental Simulation and Episodic Memory.- Integrative
Procedure Learning.- Map Formation.- Communication Between Artificial
Minds.- Natural Language Comprehension.- Language Learning via
Unsupervised Corpus Analysis.- Natural Language Generation.- Embodied
Language Processing.- Natural Language Dialogue.- Summary of Argument
for the Cog Prime Approach.