Nara Canal is a perennial irrigation canal having six falls but two
falls on the canal at RD 26 and RD 139 are found to be favourable for
hydropower development. A number of layouts plan has been studied by
collecting discharge data for the years 1995 to 2005 and flow duration
curves were prepared to ascertain the availability of flows. For design
discharge of the studied layouts, flow of 311 m3/s and 307 m3/s for
Layout-A and Layout-B respectively which were available 30% time of the
year were selected. Power potential and Energy output were evaluated for
both layouts in comparying and finalization of layout scheme. The
maximum power output for Layout-A and Layout-B was 5.5 MW and 8.11 MW
respectively.The mean annual energy output expected for Layout-A and
Layout-B was 35.5 GWh and 57.17 GWh respectively. Detailed results are
presented in this technical book. The authors appreciate the efforts of
Barthlemy Chaton and his team in facilitating and highly acknowledge
publishing of it by VDM Publishing House Ltd., for technical knowledge
sharing internationally.