This book is an officially authorized advisory manual that implements
the recommendations on the energy and protein requirements of cattle,
sheep and goats made by the AFRC Technical Committee on Responses to
Nutrients (TCORN) since its establishment in 1982. TCORN has produced a
series of numbered reports including No. 5 in 1990 on Nutrient
Requirements on Ruminant Animals: Energy and in 1992, No. 9 Nutrient
Requirements of Ruminant Animals: Protein. The former recommended, with
only minor modifications, the adoption of the AFRC's 1980 Technical
Review's full recommendations on energy requirements of ruminants, while
the latter recommended the adoption of a protein system based on
Metabolisable Protein as the unit. Opportunity has been taken to include
material from TCORN Report No. 8, 1991 on the Voluntary Intake of Silage
by Cattle and from an unpublished TCORN Report on the Nutrition of
The current volume presents these recommendations in a practical form
designed for use by advisors, farmers, lecturers, research workers and
students concerned with the nutrition of ruminant animals. The manual
includes 45 tables of requirements (incorporating agreed safety margins)
and 29 example diets.