An historical fantasy/romance that tells of the impossible challenge of
living a life without breaking a commandment between the thirteenth and
twentieth centuries. Matthew angered the Senate when he committed
murder, thus changing his planned destiny. They decided that to regain
his destiny and Magdalena, the girl he loves, Matthew must live one life
without breaking a commandment. Through the centuries Matthew's lives
include being a smuggler, bishop, gold prospector and a Samurai warrior.
In every life he fails; the Senate ensures there is a dilemma which
Matthew can only resolve by default. In the 20th century he meets
Magdalena, now called Marion and married to Alex. Matthew tells her of
his lives, adventures and disappointments Throughout the novel Matthew
tries to convince Marion of the truth, Marion is confused; she realises
she loves both Alex and Matthew and that she is loved by both. On her
death, Marion confronts the Senate demanding Matthew be released from
his ordeal.