After Pyatetski-Shapiro [PSI] and Satake [Sal] introduced,
independent of one another, an early form of the Jacobi Theory in 1969
(while not naming it as such), this theory was given a definite push by
the book The Theory of Jacobi Forms by Eichler and Zagier in 1985. Now,
there are some overview articles describing the developments in the
theory of the Jacobi group and its automor- phic forms, for instance by
Skoruppa [Sk2], Berndt [Be5] and Kohnen [Ko]. We refer to these
for more historical details and many more names of authors active in
this theory, which stretches now from number theory and algebraic
geometry to theoretical physics. But let us only briefly indicate
several - sometimes very closely related - topics touched by Jacobi
theory as we see it: - fields of meromorphic and rational functions on
the universal elliptic curve resp. universal abelian variety - structure
and projective embeddings of certain algebraic varieties and homogeneous
spaces - correspondences between different kinds of modular forms -
L-functions associated to different kinds of modular forms and autom-
phic representations - induced representations - invariant differential
operators - structure of Hecke algebras - determination of generalized
Kac-Moody algebras and as a final goal related to the here first
mentioned - mixed Shimura varieties and mixed motives.