The Fourth International Workshop on Electroluminescence (EL-88) was
held at the Hotel Holiday, Tottori, Japan, October 11-14, 1988. This
workshop was sponsored by the 125 Research Committee on Mutual
Conversion between Light and Electricity, Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science, in cooperation with SID (Society for Infonnation
Display) Japan Chapter, Tottori Prefecture, the Tot- tori Industrial
Technology Association, and the Foundation for Advancement of
International Science (FAIS). The workshop EL-88 was a continuation of
the series of international work- shops held successively at Liege
(Belgium) in 1980, Bad Stuer (DDR) in 1983, and at Wann Springs (Oregon,
USA) in 1986. It brought together scientists and engi- neers from
universities and industry who shared a common interest in discussing
electroluminescence and related topics. The number of participants
reached 253; 49 from abroad (10 countries) and 204 from Japan. This is
almost four times as many as in the previous workshop in 1986,
reflecting the recent rapid development and progress of
electroluminescence research.