In recent years, with the advent of ?ne line lithographical methods,
molecular beam epitaxy, organometallic vapour phase epitaxy and other
experimental techniques, low dimensional structures having quantum
con?nement in one, two and three dimensions (such as inversion layers,
ultrathin ?lms, nipi's, quantum well superlattices, quantum wires,
quantum wire superlattices, and quantum dots together with quantum
con?ned structures aided by various other ?elds) have attracted much
attention, not only for their potential in uncovering new phenomena in
nanoscience, but also for their interesting applications in the realm of
quantum e?ect devices. In ultrathin ?lms, due to the reduction of
symmetry in the wave-vector space, the motion of the carriers in the
direction normal to the ?lm becomes quantized leading to the quantum
size e?ect. Such systems ?nd extensive applications in quantum well
lasers, ?eld e?ect transistors, high speed digital networks and also in
other low dimensional systems. In quantum wires, the carriers are
quantized in two transverse directions and only one-dimensional motion
of the carriers is allowed. The transport properties of charge carriers
in quantum wires, which may be studied by utilizing the similarities
with optical and microwave waveguides, are currently being investigated.
Knowledge regarding these quantized structures may be gained from
original research contributions in scienti?c journals, proceedings of
international conferences and various - view articles.