Efficient Dynamic Simulation of Robotic Mechanisms presents
computationally efficient algorithms for the dynamic simulation of
closed-chain robotic systems. In particular, the simulation of single
closed chains and simple closed-chain mechanisms is investigated in
detail. Single closed chains are common in many applications, including
industrial assembly operations, hazardous remediation, and space
exploration. Simple closed-chain mechanisms include such familiar
configurations as multiple manipulators moving a common load, dexterous
hands, and multi-legged vehicles. The efficient dynamics simulation of
these systems is often required for testing an advanced control scheme
prior to its implementation, to aid a human operator during remote
teleoperation, or to improve system performance.
In conjunction with the dynamic simulation algorithms, efficient
algorithms are also derived for the computation of the joint space and
operational space inertia matrices of a manipulator. The manipulator
inertia matrix is a significant component of any robot dynamics
formulation and plays an important role in both simulation and control.
The efficient computation of the inertia matrix is highly desirable for
real-time implementation of robot dynamics algorithms. Several alternate
formulations are provided for each inertia matrix.
Computational efficiency in the algorithm is achieved by several means,
including the development of recursive formulations and the use of
efficient spatial transformations and mathematics. All algorithms are
derived and presented in a convenient tabular format using a modified
form of spatial notation, a six-dimensional vector notation which
greatly simplifies the presentation and analysis of multibody dynamics.
Basic definitions and fundamental principles required to use and
understand this notation are provided. The implementation of the
efficient spatial transformations is also discussed in some detail. As a
means of evaluating efficiency, the number of scalar operations
(multiplications and additions) required for each algorithm is tabulated
after its derivation. Specification of the computational complexity of
each algorithm in this manner makes comparison with other algorithms
both easy and convenient.
The algorithms presented in Efficient Dynamic Simulation of Robotic
Mechanisms are among the most efficient robot dynamics algorithms
available at this time. In addition to computational efficiency, special
emphasis is also placed on retaining as much physical insight as
possible during algorithm derivation. The algorithms are easy to follow
and understand, whether the reader is a robotics novice or a seasoned