This research work deals with the 'Effects of anisotropic, inhomogeneous
permittivity and gravitation on electromagnetic wave propagation in
waveguides'. Waveguide is a structure which can guide electromagnetic
energy. Transportation of electromagnetic energy is one of the prime
needs of a communication system. Communication engineers are in constant
search of structures which can transport electromagnetic energy over
long distances with minimum possible loss. Metallic waveguide can
transposrt the electromagnetic energy efficiently over frequencies
ranging between few tens of kHz to few tens of GHz. As frequency
increases further to optical spectrum, losses becomes dominant and need
of dielectric waveguide arises. Dielectric waveguides are the waveguide
with some dielectric layers or dielectric constant. In the present work
we will study the effects of anisotropic, inhomogeneous permittivity and
gravitation on electromagnetic wave propagation in waveguides.