Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L) belongs to the family Solanaceae.
Tomato is one of the most popular garden vegetables, originating in
central and South America. Tomato was thought by early American
Colonists to be poisonous and was not recognized as a useful vegetable
until the 1800s. Tomato crop requires heavy manure and sufficient amount
of fertilizers for heavy yield. For improving plant growth and
development, use of organic and inorganic manure or fertilizers is
essential. It is well established that chemical fertilizers improve
plant growth directly by providing nutrients. Like the other nutrients,
Boron also plays an important role in production of any crop in terms of
yield, quality and control of some diseases. Boron plays an essential
role in the development and growth of new cells in the meristem, proper
pollination and fruit or seed set, translocation of sugar, starches,
nitrogen and phosphorus, synthesis of amino acids and proteins,
regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and stabilize the oxidative system
in plants.