Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) lies at the heart of global,
regional and national policy agendas, with the goal of achieving
socially and environmentally just development through the provision of
inclusive, equitable quality education for all. Realising this potential
on the African continent, however, calls for radical transformation of
policy and practice. Developing a transformative agenda requires taking
account of the 'learning crisis' in schools, the inequitable access to a
good quality education, the historical role of education and training in
supporting unsustainable development, and the enormous challenges
involved in complex system change.
In the African continent, sustainable development entails eradicating
poverty and inequality, supporting economically sustainable livelihoods
within planetary boundaries, and averting environmental catastrophe, as
well as dealing with health pandemics and security threats. In
addressing these challenges, the book:
- explores the meaning of ESD for Africa in the context of the
'postcolonial condition'
- critically discusses the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well
as regional development agendas
- draws on a wealth of research evidence and examples from across the
- engages with contemporary debates about the skills, competencies and
capabilities required for sustainable development, including
decolonising the curriculum and transforming teaching and learning
- sets out a transformative agenda for policy-makers, practitioners,
NGOs, social movements and other stakeholders based on principles of
social and environmental justice.
Education for Sustainable Development in the Postcolonial World is an
essential read for anyone with an interest in education and socially and
environmentally just development in Africa.