This book contains a selection of papers that have been prepared for the
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on the Economics of Atmospheric
Pollution, that took place in Wageningen, The Netherlands, November
1994, hosted by Wageningen Agricultural University and sponsored by NATO
Scientific and Environmental Affairs Division. Participants from the USA
and a large number of countries in Western, Central and Eastern Europe
have participated to discuss the economic aspects of transboundary air
pollution and climate change. A number of selected papers have been
reviewed and revised on the basis of the comments provided. The editors
kindly acknowledge the support of Prof. Charles Kolstad, University of
California, Santa Barbara, and Prof. Stef Proost, Center for Economic
Studies, Catholic University Leuven, for reviewing several chapters of
the book. Also the assistance of several anonymous reviewers is kindly
acknowledged. We hope that the book will contribute to a better
understanding of the most relevant issues in the area of international
policymaking on transboundary pollution and climate change, and that it
contributes to further economic analysis in this interesting research
area. The topic of transboundary pollution related to climate change,
acidification and tropospheric ozone will in the coming decades continue
to be relevant for all countries in the world. Ekko van Ierland
Kazimierz Gorka WageningeniCracow, June 1996 CONTENTS 1 On tbe Economics
of Atmospberic Pollution Ekko van IerJand Wageningen Agricultural
University, The Netherlands.