Social, economic, and technological changes disrupt many Indigenous,
ethnic, and rural communities even when offering progress. Under these
conditions, social and psychological dysfunctions are likely to emerge.
This book provides insights regarding how to anticipate, prevent, and,
when necessary, provide mitigation strategies to communities and
individuals who suffer as a result.
This book, the first of its kind, provides an overview of strategic and
policy issues involving the relationship between change and dysfunction,
enabling the reader to more effectively deal with potentially hurtful
influences in proactive, equitable, and culturally sensitive ways. After
providing a theoretical overview, methods for anticipating the hurtful
impacts of change are discussed, along with techniques for mitigating
its negative effects upon communities and individuals.
Learning objectives and discussion questions are included with each
chapter, and the book can serve as a text for courses on indigenous
economic development, Native studies, culturally appropriate business,
and culturally competent therapy. It can also be used as a professional
handbook for practitioners working with communities affected by these