In the instinct to survive those who are able to dominate the
competition go about their activities as if others (humans and
non-humans) did not matter or did not have interests. Selfishness
becomes more prevalent as a people move from elementary economic systems
to modern economic systems. The major reason why economic systems
collapse is human selfishness. Despite all the achievements in science
and technology, there are still poor people in the world and
environmental cataclysms have become daily occurrences. This is because
the would-be agents of development, such as Multinational Corporations
and states, are largely motivated by selfishness. Unfortunately, poor
economies pursue development using borrowed models formulated for
selfish reasons. Needless to say, the solution to current economic and
environmental challenges does not lie in abstract economic jargon or
more advanced technological machinery but in taming the evil of human
selfishness. This book makes a strong case for a vaccine against the
virus of selfishness, namely, education for altruistic egoism.