In March 1996 the Society of Experimental Biology (UK) together with two
other international scientific societies, the Australian and New Zealand
Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry and the Society for
Integrative and Comparative Biology (formally the American Society for
Zoology) joined forces with Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg to produce one
of the first fully electronic online, peer-reviewed biological journals,
Experimental Biology Online. The present product represents the fruits
of this joint venture and encapsulates Volumes 1 and 2 of the journal.
This will be an ongoing series such that an archival version of the
journal will be available to all libraries as well as the on-line
version. At the outset this was "new land" for all concerned but the
launching of a journal which would cover experimental biology in terms
of Animal, Cell and Plant topics was daunting but we all felt that the
use of electronic media and the internet would be ideally suited to this