This volume presents the procedings of an "Advanced Research Workshop,"
held under the auspices of the NATO International Scientific Exchange
Programme, on the Environmental and Non-environmental Determinants of
the East-West Life Expectancy Gap in Europe. The workshop brought
together individuals from Eastern and Western Europe and North America
who had a common interest in understanding the evolution of the relative
declines in life expectancy in Central and Eastern Europe, compared to
the West, over the past 30 years. Between 1989 and 1993, I carried out a
series of investigations into the effects of environmental pollution on
human health in Central and Eastern Europe, at first, under the auspices
of the World Bank, and later, under a broader multilateral, multi-agency
arrangement known as the "Environment for Europe" Process. These
investigations provided unparalleled access to environmental health data
from the region, and offered a glimpse of what the contribution of
pollution to health status was, and what it was not. At the same time,
the Program in Population Health of the Canadian Institute for Advanced
Research (CIAR) and the International Centre for Health and Society
(ICHS) at University College, London, were embarking upon
multi-disciplinary inquiries into the broad determinants of health in
modern societies. The work of the CIAR provided a framework for
conceptualizing the East-West life expectancy gap and its potential
determinants; the work of the ICHS provided specific insights into the
relative contributions of these determinants.