The seeds of this conference were sown with the publication by Press, in
1965, of a paper in which he suggested that the displacement field due
to a major earthquake may extend over much greater distances than had
been thought possible before. Later on, Mansinha and Smylie pointed out
that if Press was correct then, since the redistri- bution of
significant quantities of mass was involved, the inertia tensor of the
earth would be altered and thus cause the earth to wobble; this revived
the idea that earth- quakes might be the long sought source for
maintaining the Chandler Wobble. They argued that since earthquakes are
sudden events it should be worthwhile trying to determine if there was
any correlation between sudden changes in the Chandler term of the pole
path and major earthquakes. Furthermore, since displacements occur both
before and after an earthquake it might be possible to obtain a few days
warning of a major earthquake by making instantaneous observations of
the pole path. Analysis of the data indicated some correlation but, as
often happens in science in general and in geophysics in particular, the
results were not conclusive because of imperfect theory and the need for
more accurate determinations of the pole position. It soon became clear
that a meeting between geophysicists and astronomers involved in this
type of work would be of mutual benefit.