It has been noted that there is comparably little if any, structured and
practical support structures in place to deal with the broader spectrum
of emotional and psychological needs/well-being of high performance or
elite athletes. The physical support base of elite athletes is based on
the relationship between athlete and coach - the very essence of sport.
The coach fulfills a powerful role in being primarily responsible for
creating the proper environment and for transmitting the technical,
social, moral and physical elements of the sport experience to the
athlete. The coach alone is not capable of providing all the advice,
expertise and support required. Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs)
form the basis of additional support, sometimes extended to family
members, in many organisations. The support provided covers many areas
and is based on the principle that employees with extended personal
problems are more likely to underperform than those who are able to cope
with their problems. Sport, today is unashamedly, even exuberantly big
business. Money has become every sport's life blood. Athletes are under
immense pressure to perform. This potentially leads to a situation where
the needs of the athlete as an ordinary human, being facing the same
problems as everyone else are lost. Interpersonal relationships,
financial difficulties, home related issues, workplace problems,
concerns about the future, crises and stress are equally important to
elite athletes.