Dynamics of Skill Acquisition, Second Edition, provides an analysis of
the processes underlying human skill acquisition. As the first text to
outline the multidisciplinary ecological dynamics framework for
understanding movement behavior, this heavily updated edition stays on
the cutting edge, with principles of nonlinear pedagogy and
methodologies from the constraints-led approach.
Students and practitioners across a variety of professions--including
coaches, physical educators, trainers, and rehabilitation
specialists--will appreciate the applied focus of this second edition.
Movement models throughout the text provide examples for visualizing
task constraints and enhancing the study and understanding of movement
behavior. Athletes and sports teams are presented as specific complex
adaptive systems, with information on designing learning environments
and adapting programs to foster skill development.
Readers will learn the historical evolution of dynamical systems theory
and the ecological dynamics framework. These foundational concepts
illustrate the integration between intentional action, cognition, and
decision making and their effects on performance and behavior. Complex
theoretical concepts are explained in simple terms and related to
practice, focusing on the implications of the work of pioneering
researchers such as Nikolai Bernstein, Egon Brunswik, James Gibson,
Scott Kelso, and Karl Newell. Case studies written by practitioners
contain specific examples of the ecological dynamics framework in
action, bringing theory to life. By learning how to identify and
manipulate key constraints that influence learning skilled behavior,
readers will gain insight into practice designs for creating positive
learning experiences that enable individuals to develop and learn
functional movements.
Throughout the book, learning features guide readers through material
with clear direction and focus to improve understanding. Spotlight on
Research sidebars provide detailed descriptions of important studies to
connect theory, research, and application. Lab activities teach
application skills beyond the content, ensuring reader understanding. In
addition, chapter objectives, self-test questions, and Key Concept
sidebars highlight important concepts in each chapter.
With the study of human movement now bridging many disciplines,
including motor development, psychology, biology, and physical therapy,
Dynamics of Skill Acquisition, Second Edition, provides a timely
analysis of the ecological dynamics framework and presents a
comprehensive model for understanding how coordination patterns are
assembled, controlled, and acquired. The theoretical roots and
development of the ecological dynamics framework provide application
strategies for all people with an interest in movement coordination and