The volume is devoted to the dynamics of rods, which is a branch of
mech- ics of deformable bodies. The main goal of the book is to present
systema- cally theoretical fundamentals of the mechanics of rods as well
as numerical methods used for practical purposes. Linear and nonlinear
equations governing a rod's oscillations are p- sented. Methods of
determining eigenvalues and eigenfunctions in conser- tive and
non-conservative problems along with numerical methods dealing with
forced, parametric, and random oscillations of rods are given. Some -
sues of interaction of rods with air (liquid) flows and the dynamics of
spa- curved rods containing flows of liquid are considered. The book
consists of nine chapters and appendices and may be conv- tionally
divided into two parts. That is, Chapters 1 to 6 contain, in the main,
theoretical material, whereas Chapters 7 to 9 illustrate the application
of the theoretical results to problems of practical interest. Problems
for self-study are found in Chapters 3, 5, and 7. The solutions to most
of the problems are given in Appendix B. The monograph is addressed to
undergraduate and postgraduate students and teaching staff of technical
universities. It may also be useful for scientists and mechanical
engineers working in a wide range of industries. I wish to express my
deep appreciation to my colleagues, Dr. S.A. Voronov and C.B. Danilenko,
for their help in preparing the manuscript.