Take a deep dive into the many uses of dynamic SQL in Microsoft SQL
Server. This edition has been updated to use the newest features in SQL
Server 2016 and SQL Server 2017 as well as incorporating the changing
landscape of analytics and database administration. Code examples have
been updated with new system objects and functions to improve efficiency
and maintainability.
Executing dynamic SQL is key to large-scale searching based on
user-entered criteria. Dynamic SQL can generate lists of values and even
code with minimal impact on performance. Dynamic SQL enables dynamic
pivoting of data for business intelligence solutions as well as
customizing of database objects. Yet dynamic SQL is feared by many due
to concerns over SQL injection or code maintainability.
Dynamic SQL: Applications, Performance, and Security in Microsoft SQL
Server helps you bring the productivity and user-satisfaction of
flexible and responsive applications to your organization safely and
securely. Your organization's increased ability to respond to rapidly
changing business scenarios will build competitive advantage in an
increasingly crowded and competitive global marketplace. With a focus on
new applications and modern database architecture, this edition
illustrates that dynamic SQL continues to evolve and be a valuable tool
for administration, performance optimization, and analytics.
What You'ill Learn
- Build flexible applications that respond to changing business needs
- Take advantage of creative, innovative, and productive uses of dynamic
- Know about SQL injection and be confident in your defenses against
- Address performance concerns in stored procedures and dynamic SQL
- Troubleshoot and debug dynamic SQL to ensure correct results
- Automate your administration of features within SQL Server
Who This Book is For**
Developers and database administrators looking to hone and build their
T-SQL coding skills. The book is ideal for developers wanting to plumb
the depths of application flexibility and troubleshoot performance
issues involving dynamic SQL. The book is also ideal for programmers
wanting to learn what dynamic SQL is about and how it can help them
deliver competitive advantage to their organizations.