1. 1 Introduction As offshore oil production moves into deeper water,
compliant structural systems are becoming increasingly important.
Examples of this type of structure are tension leg platfonns (TLP's),
guyed tower platfonns, compliant tower platfonns, and floating
production systems. The common feature of these systems, which
distinguishes them from conventional jacket platfonns, is that dynamic
amplification is minimized by designing the surge and sway natural
frequencies to be lower than the predominant frequencies of the wave
spectrum. Conventional jacket platfonns, on the other hand, are designed
to have high stiffness so that the natural frequencies are higher than
the wave frequencies. At deeper water depths, however, it becomes
uneconomical to build a platfonn with high enough stiffness. Thus, the
switch is made to the other side of the wave spectrum. The low natural
frequency of a compliant platfonn is achieved by designing systems which
inherently have low stiffness. Consequently, the maximum horizontal
excursions of these systems can be quite large. The low natural
frequency characteristic of compliant systems creates new analytical
challenges for engineers. This is because geometric stiffness and
hydrodynamic force nonlinearities can cause significant resonance
responses in the surge and sway modes, even though the natural
frequencies of these modes are outside the wave spectrum frequencies.
High frequency resonance responses in other modes, such as the pitch
mode of a TLP, are also possible.