Motivated by the exciting new application paradigm of using amalgamated
technologies of the Internet and wireless, the next generation
communication networks (also called 'ubiquitous', 'complex' and
'unstructured' networking) are changing the way we develop and apply our
future systems and services at home and on local, national and global
scales. Whatever the interconnection - a WiMAX enabled networked mobile
vehicle, MEMS or nanotechnology enabled distributed sensor systems,
Vehicular Ad hoc Networking (VANET) or Mobile Ad hoc Networking
(MANET) - all can be classified under new networking structures which
can be given the generic title of 'ad hoc' communication networking.
Dynamic Ad Hoc Networks presents selective recent and important
research ideas in this field and provides a timely snapshot of potential
developments covering network control, network topology, routing and
scheduling for various aspects of implementation, applications and
associated attributes. The book features contributions from an
international panel of well-known experts and researchers, exploring ad
hoc networking fundamentals and its principles; recent and key
developing techniques of dynamic ad hoc networking; in-depth analysis of
critical serviceoriented features of dynamic ad hoc networking; and
typical case studies, application scenarios and uses of dynamic ad hoc