G. di Gennaro Abuse of drugs has reached such magnitude that it is
regarded by most govern- ments, scholars, and experts as one of the
major problems of present-day society. The highest values of individuals
and social groups are strongly attacked or are at risk as a result of
the spread of drug abuse. As a consequence, society is deprived of the
contribution of many of its members toward the establishment of better
condi- tions of life. On the other hand, considerable portions of the
limited resources of so- ciety are diverted to assist, cure, and
rehabilitate drug addicts. The enormous gains derived from illicit
traffic in drugs are contributing tremendously to the strengthen- ing of
criminal organizations and the rise of new aggressive criminal
syndicates. The financial means of these groups are invested in illegal
enterprises which extend the criminals' power to various sectors of the
economy. One should recognize that the vast criminal network which is
behind this crimi- nal big business has achieved such strength that it
acts as a counter-power. Corrup- tion, racketeering, oppression, and
illicit influences are among the dreadful ele- ments which unavoidably
accompany drug trafficking. The price paid for this by humanity is