Swat District (Pakistan) is geographically lies from 340-34` to
350-55` North latitudes and 720-08` to 720-50` East longitudes with
an area of 5337 km2. The hydrology of the District is covered by river
Swat and its tributeries. River Swat rises from permanent sub rivers and
nalas of Ushu khowar, Gabral or utror khowar, Harnoi khwar, Mankial
khowar, Daral khowar, Madayan subrivers, Miandam khowar, Shin khowar,
matta subrivers and Manglawar khowar. River Swat plays a key role in the
irrigated system and drinking purposes of the area. The main sources of
irrigation are water canals supplied from Swat River and its
tributaries. These water canals are community or jointly owned. The
Govt. has belt two irrigation water canals, Nekpikhel and Faithpur
irrigation canals. These water canals irrigate hectors of the rainfed
areas located at the foothills of the Hindu Raj Mountains