2022 brought us the mad hubris and economically catastrophic fallout of
the 50 day British prime minister; the monstrosities of Putin; climate
catastrophe; a new pandemic of infection predominantly affecting school
children; poverty, cold, inflation, be-leagured public sector workers
forced after more than a decade of austerity to impoverish themselves
further by withdrawing their labour, grief 'tap-tap-tapping/on your
window' and (as I write) temperatures which obviate the need to plug in
the freezer you can't afford to power up. What better way to warm the
cockles of your pining heart, and your chilblained toes, than Dream
Catcher 46?
Throw another pile of un-opened bills on the fire; top up your hot
water-bottle; grab a cat or two to bulk out the blanket over your knees,
and luxuriate in the season's creative offerings. Indulge in some
arm-chair travel (whether on the Victoria tube line, or overseas); find
solace in the language of flowers (maybe even be inspired to set up a
society for the preservation of weeds, among other persecuted
majorities); find the hidden depths in an artist's model. Are you after
the respectability of matching chairs, or fired up by memories of love?
Do you believe corpses are the most reliable witnesses, or are you
holding out for the perfect toast topping? Whether you are wanting to
end it all or hoping for a new beginning, you will find something to
interest, amuse, horrify, or inspire.
In this issue we also luxuriate in the realism of artist David Finnigan