The first appearance of this award-winning writer's work since the
1940s, this collection, which includes an introduction by John Ashbery,
restores Joan Murray's striking poetry to its originally intended
Though John Ashbery hailed Joan Murray as a key influence on his work,
Murray's sole collection, Poems, published after her death at the
early age of twenty-four and selected by W. H. Auden for inclusion in
the Yale Series of Younger Poets, has been almost entirely unavailable
for the better part of half a century. Poems was put together by Grant
Code, a close friend of Murray's mother, and when Murray's papers, long
thought to be lost, reappeared in 2013, it became clear that Code had
exercised a heavy editorial hand. This new collection, edited by
Farnoosh Fathi from Murray's original manuscripts, restores Murray's raw
lyricism and visionary lines, while also including a good deal of
previously unpublished work, as well as a selection of her exuberant