Ouyang Jianghe belongs to the third generation of twentieth-century
Chinese literature and the so-called five masters from Sichuan--poets
who consciously distance themselves from the Misty (obscure) poets such
as Bei Dao and Yang Lian. His writing advocates an intellectual model
that is based on reflection and the expression of mature recognition
rather than inspiration, sudden impulse, or spontaneous illumination,
and is concerned with everyday themes, the insignificant, and the
From Handgun:
you can take a-
part a handgun, break it
in two, into
a hand a gun
paint the hand black, you've got
a faction--
put the gun on a boat: that's
a means of persuasion
you can take apart a faction
into further partitions
you can break it into act, or action--
the world divides in infinite fissions
one eye you aim
at love; the other you ram
into the barrel of a gun
the bullets ogle
you level your nose at your enemies'
Critics consider Ouyang Jianghe's poetry some of the most
challenging avant-garde verse written in China over the past few
decades. His poems, which have the intricate, sculpted quality of
fugues, are concerned with dissecting the layers of meaning that
underlie everyday objects and notions like doubled shadows. He is a
prominent art critic and chief editor of the literary magazine
Jintian; he lives in Beijing.
Austin Woerner graduated from Yale University in East Asian studies.
In September 2009 he took part in a joint residency with Ouyang Jianghe
at the Vermont Studio Center, where they were the first
writer-translator pair in the literature in translation program. He
lives in Brooklyn, New York.