With DOM Enlightenment, you'll learn how to manipulate HTML more
efficiently by scripting the Document Object Model (DOM) without a DOM
library. Using code examples in cookbook style, author Cody Lindley
(jQuery Cookbook) walks you through modern DOM concepts to demonstrate
how various node objects work.
Over the past decade, developers have buried the DOM under frameworks
that simplify its use. This book brings these tools back into focus,
using concepts and code native to modern browsers. If you have
JavaScript experience, you'll understand the role jQuery plays in DOM
scripting, and learn how to use the DOM directly in applications for
mobile devices and specific browsers that require low overhead.
- Understand JavaScript node objects and their relationship to the DOM
- Learn the properties and methods of document, element, text, and
DocumentFragment objects
- Delve into element node selecting, geometry, and inline styles
- Add CSS style sheets to an HTML document and use CSSStyleRule objects
- Set up DOM events by using different code patterns
- Learn the author's vision for dom.js, a jQuery-inspired DOM Library
for modern browsers