A must-read guide to conducting qualitative field research in the
social sciences
Doing Field Projects: Methods and Practice for Social and
Anthropological Research delivers a thorough and insightful
introduction to qualitative field methods in the social sciences. Ideal
for undergraduate students just starting out in fields like
anthropology, sociology, and related subjects, the book offers readers
twenty instructive projects. Each project is well-suited as a standalone
exercise, or several may be combined as a series of field work
From interview techniques to participant observation, kinship analysis,
spatial mapping, photo and video documentation, and auto-ethnography,
Doing Field Projects covers each critical area of qualitative
fieldwork students are likely to encounter. Every project also contains
discussions of how to execute the research, avoid common problems and
mistakes, and present the uncovered data in several different formats.
This important resource also offers students:
- A thorough introduction to fieldwork, including the history of
fieldwork methods, the shift from colonial to post-colonial
anthropology, and discussion of fieldwork vs. ethnography
- Comprehensive explorations of getting started with fieldwork,
including necessary equipment, research design, data presentation, and
journal keeping
- Practical discussions of the ethics of fieldwork, including the "Do No
Harm" principle, institutional approval, openness, and anonymity
- In-depth examinations of autoethnography, proxemics, mapping, recorded
interviews, participant observation, and engaged anthropology
- The opportunity to conduct a complete fieldwork course using digital
and online resources only
- Supporting learning material for each chapter, including a brief
outline of Learning Goals and a paragraph summarizing the contents
Doing Field Projects: Methods and Practice for Social and
Anthropological Research is the perfect guide for undergraduate
students taking courses and programs in which qualitative field methods
are central to the field, like anthropology and sociology.