Microarray technology provides a highly sensitive and precise te- nique
for obtaining information from biological samples, with the added
advantage that it can handle a large number of samples simultaneously
that may be analyzed rapidly. Researchers are applying microarray
technology to understand gene expression, mutation analysis, and the
sequencing of genes. Although this technology has been experimental, and
thus has been through feasibility studies, it has just recently entered
into widespread use for advanced research. The purpose of DNA Arrays:
Methods and Protocols is to provide instruction in designing and
constructing DNA arrays, as well as hybridizing them with biological
samples for analysis. An additional purpose is to p- vide the reader
with a broad description of DNA-based array technology and its potential
applications. This volume also covers the history of DNA arrays--from
their conception to their ready off-the-shelf availability--for readers
who are new to array technology as well as those who are well versed in
this field. Stepwise, detailed experimental procedures are described for
constructing DNA arrays, including the choice of solid support,
attachment methods, and the general conditions for hybridization. With
microarray technology, ordered arrays of oligonucleotides or other DNA
sequences are attached or printed to the solid support using au- mated
methods for array synthesis. Probe sequences are selected in such a way
that they have the appropriate sequence length, site of mutation, and T