This book includes a novel motif discovery for time series, KITE
(ill-Known motIf discovery in Time sEries data), to identify ill-known
motifs transformed by affine mappings such as translation, uniform
scaling, reflection, stretch, and squeeze mappings. Additionally, such
motifs may be covered with noise or have variable lengths. Besides
KITE's contribution to motif discovery, new avenues for the signal and
image processing domains are explored and created. The core of KITE is
an invariant representation method called Analytic Complex Quad Tree
Wavelet Packet transform (ACQTWP). This wavelet transform applies to
motif discovery as well as to several signal and image processing tasks.
The efficiency of KITE is demonstrated with data sets from various
domains and compared with state-of-the-art algorithms, where KITE yields
the best outcomes.