When you die, what will be left about you online? How will your online
accounts be accessed and how will you be remembered for posterity? From
online banking to decades worth of digital family photos, copious
creative or intellectual property, or personal history documented on
social media, everyone has a widespread digital footprint that tells the
story of our lives. But how much of that story remains online after
we're gone? Angela Crocker and Vicki Mcleod team up to give readers
ideas and tips on how to handle their digital legacies. Vicki focuses on
the personal aspects of legacy, while Angela brings it down to earth
with the practical, how-to aspects. One hundred years from now, there
will be one billion dead people on Facebook. And while it can be
uncomfortable to talk about death, it's important to prepare the
personal and practical elements of your digital life before death. This
guide offers best practices for online memorials, social media and
mourning, and digital etiquette in death. Also tools and resources are
included throughout the book to help your digital estate planning and
empower your estate's executor.