Digital is far-reaching and ubiquitous - everything you know is about
to change.
We are living in the fourth age of humanity. First, we became human.
Then we became civilized. The third age saw the creation of commerce.
Now, we are becoming digital. Technology has changed the way we
communicate, trade, and transact, with repercussions extending far
beyond our personal spheres.
Digital Human is a visionary roadmap for the future, a timely guide on
how to navigate the world of finance as we create the next generation of
humanity. It explores the digital evolution's impact and offers clear
insights on thriving in this new era. Human and business relationships
are evolving, and existing businesses must undergo substantial
transformative changes to compete with the smaller, "lighter," and more
agile companies that are able to quickly maneuver to match shifting
consumer demands. A lack of online presence has become unthinkable, as
consumer preferences continue to trend heavily toward online business
and transactions--is your company equipped to thrive in this new era?
While there is no definitive guide to this new reality, this insightful
resource provides the starting point and roadmap to digital success in
the financial services arena, covering aspects such as:
- Digital is not merely a "bolting on" of technology to produce results
faster and cheaper, but a complete rethinking of common business
practices and notions of efficiency and customer engagement
- Rethinking business starts with the customer - new business models are
constructed entirely around this single, guiding principle
- A digital business model is all about connectivity, with front-office
apps tied in to both back-office analytics and marketplaces with many
players and segments
- Businesses must open their operations to this marketplace of players
through APIs, necessitating a conversion of many core systems
- Central business and technology systems must change to adapt to new
market entrants and new technologies that range from AI for
back-office analytics to Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) for
global operations
Leaders must rethink their businesses to be fit for the future digital
age, and this comprehensive resource shines a spotlight on the key
elements to this transformation.