The great advances made in large-scale integration of semiconductors and
the resulting cost-effective digital processors and data storage devices
determine the present development of automation. The application of
digital techniques to process automation started in about 1960, when the
first process computer was installed. From about 1970 process computers
with cathodic ray tube display have become standard equipment for larger
automation systems. Until about 1980 the annual increase of process
computers was about 20 to 30%. The cost of hardware has already then
shown a tendency to decrease, whereas the relative cost of user software
has tended to increase. Because of the high total cost the first phase
of digital process automation is characterized by the centralization of
many functions in a single (though sometimes in several) process
computer. Application was mainly restricted to medium and large
processes. Because of the far-reaching consequences of a breakdown in
the central computer parallel standby computers or parallel back-up
systems had to be provided. This meant a substantial increase in cost.
The tendency to overload the capacity and software problems caused
further difficulties. In 1971 the first microprocessors were marketed
which, together with large-scale integrated semiconductor memory units
and input/output modules, can be assem- bled into cost-effective
microcomputers. These microcomputers differ from process computers in
fewer but higher integrated modules and in the adaptability of their
hardware and software to specialized, less comprehensive tasks.