Experts in social studies education and gifted education share
teacher-tested strategies for differentiating social studies in K-12
classrooms. Chapter authors showcase best-practice and research-based
lessons and activities that enrich and expand social studies instruction
while building K-12 students' critical and creative thinking. Each
chapter contains two or more teacher-tested lessons or activities
linking social studies content and concepts to the standards and
recommendations of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)
and National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS).
This edited volume is targeted toward K-12 teachers and administrators,
gifted education coordinators and consultants, parents of gifted
children, social studies methods instructors, and central office
administrators. Each chapter contains activities that can be adapted and
replicated in teachers' classrooms.
Chapters focus on significant social studies topics such as civic
education, historical thinking, drama, and teaching with primary
sources. Each topic is approached in ways that meet the needs of gifted
education students. Through its emphasis on critical thinking,
inquiry-based instruction, and higher order thinking skills, activities
and lessons in the book challenge K-12 educators to raise the bar for
classroom instruction in ways that improve opportunities of learning for
all students.