Scientific and technical contacts between nations- have necessitated the
publication of various language textbooks, manuals and reference books.
Particularly important among them are multilingual scientifio and
technical dictionaries. This English-German-French-Dutch-Russian
Dictionary of Scientifio and Technical Terms contains some 9000 entries.
The main fea- ture of the Dictionary is that it includes first and
foremost general scientific terms needed by an engineer working in any
branch of science and technology. Besides, the Dictionary includes the
basic terms used in physics, mathemat- ics, the fundamentals of
electrical engineering and chemistry, and also the most essential terms
pertaining to manufacturing processes. machine design, testing methods,
etc. The Compilers were confronted with a difficult task, as nowadays
science and technology are developing rapidly and the minimum scientific
and tech- nical vocabulary required by a specialist is increasing
accordingly. The Compilers have taken special pains to include the
entire basic mod- ern technical vocabulary, omitting superfluous words
and phrases. They have tried to solve this problem by selecting mainly
those scientific and tech- nical terms which constitute the basic of a
specialised vocabulary. There- fore, the Dictionary includes the
vocabulary pertaining to general study courses in mathematics, physics
and chemistry, and also in electrical engi- neering. electronics and
machine design, given in technical colleges irrespect- ive of their
specification. This lends the Dictionary an all-purpose char- acter,
making it equally useful to scientists and engineers of different
countries, who have graduated from colleges with different curricula.