The weak property rights regime governing the world's marine resources
as well as the wide-spread large scale subsidization of the fisheries
industry has led to serious depletion of global fish stocks. Against
this backdrop, taking cognizance of developing country goals and
concerns, the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the WTO held in Doha in
2001 mandated that negotiations over fisheries subsidies, formerly
subject to the disciplines of the Agreement on Subsidies and
Countervailing Measures, be completed by 2005. In view of this
development, a country like India with its vast and versatile fisheries
resources has to take stock of the state of its fisheries sector, and
develop a strategic response to the global debate on fisheries
subsidies. This book aims to initiate that process. It begins by
providing an overview of the current state of subsidization of the
fisheries sector, both domestic and international, under various
alternate definitions of fisheries subsidies. It then focuses on the
domestic scenario, highlighting the Indian experience with fisheries
subsidies and property rights regimes across both inland and marine
sectors via the case method, and investigates the necessity and
sufficiency of subsidies vis-à-vis an appropriate property rights
framework in developing the domestic fisheries sector and resource base
in a sustainable manner. Attention is then turned to the international
scenario, with a review of selected international case studies which can
inform domestic subsidy and property rights issues. This is followed by
an analysis of the country submissions of the various major fishing
nations in order to identify India's natural allies and competitors in
international negotiations. The concluding chapter brings the pieces
together. It first outlines a program of reforms to rectify the
deficiencies in the existing domestic property rights and fisheries
subsidy regimes, on the basis of intensive interactions with all
sectoral stakeholders. Subsequently, it suggests negotiating strategies
for India in forthcoming WTO meetings. An epilogue sums up recent
developments and issues.