Revision with unchanged content. Teachers today are faced with a myriad
of responsibilities from student achievement to developing socially
responsible citizens. Schools of education work on promoting teacher
knowledge and skill however little has been done to advance the
necessary dispositions needed to meet the diverse needs of students.
Perhaps this is because few schools have been able to define what
"disposition" is much less promote and evaluate the impact of
disposition on teacher development or student learning. This study,
conducted in colla-boration with world renowned scholar Dr. Alan J.
Reiman, examines pro-fessional judgment and action as key components of
teacher disposition. Specifically, it addresses how mentor disposition
impacts work with beginning teachers and how beginning teacher
disposition impacts work with students. The book is geared toward
teacher educators, those engaged in professional development, and
educational researchers interested in the area of teacher disposition.
It provides a concrete, measurable definition of disposition including
rubrics for evaluation and explores professional development programs
that can be replicated in various environments.