This textbook is for prospective teachers of middle school mathematics.
It reflects on the authors' experience in offering various mathematics
education courses to prospective teachers in the US and Canada. In
particular, the content can support one or more of 24-semester-hour
courses recommended by the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences
(2012) for the mathematical preparation of middle school teachers. The
textbook integrates grade-appropriate content on all major topics in the
middle school mathematics curriculum with international recommendations
for teaching the content, making it relevant for a global readership.
The textbook emphasizes the inherent connections between mathematics and
real life, since many mathematical concepts and procedures stem from
common sense, something that schoolchildren intuitively possess. This
focus on teaching formal mathematics with reference to real life and
common sense is essential to its pedagogical approach.
In addition, the textbook stresses the importance of being able to use
technology as an exploratory tool, and being familiar with its strengths
and weaknesses. In keeping with this emphasis on the use of technology,
both physical (manipulatives) and digital (commonly available
educational software), it also explores e.g. the use of computer
graphing software for digital fabrication. In closing, the textbook
addresses the issue of creativity as a crucial aspect of education in
the digital age in general, and in mathematics education in particular.