Deuteronomy is very similar to the laws of Assyria, the state that
emerged in the northern Dvurechye, in the 14-9 centuries BC Assyria has
repeatedly subordinated the entire northern Mesopotamia and adjacent
areas. The period of Assyria's highest development was the 2nd half of
the 8th - 1st half of the 7th centuries B.C., in 605 B.C. it was
destroyed by Midia and Babylonia. Assyria had long pursued a policy of
planting its colonies in the middle of an alien population, then began
to pursue a policy of creating a major military power, dominating the
most important routes in West Asia. The King of Assyria was not only a
priest, but also a military leader, which is reminiscent of the actions
of a priest, known as a biblical god lord, that is, a slave priest with
hypnotic abilities and seized power over the roaming Jews, in fact he is
also a chief and military leader, secretly leading through trusted
persons. The Book of Joshua tells how a priest, most likely a whole
group of priests, secretly guided roaming Jewish tribes to take over the
"Promised Land" - the rich Canaan, where the caravan routes of the time
passed, for their own enrichment.