Based upon the research they have conducted over the past decade in the
field of denoising processes for medical ultrasonic imaging, in this
book, the authors systematically present despeckling methods for medical
ultrasonic images. Firstly, the respective methods are reviewed and
divided into five categories. Secondly, after introducing some basic
mathematical tools such as wavelet and shearlet transforms, the authors
highlight five recently developed despeckling methods for medical
ultrasonic images. In turn, simulations and experiments for clinical
ultrasonic images are presented for each method, and comparison studies
with other well-known existing methods are conducted, showing the
effectiveness and superiority of the new methods. Students and
researchers in the field of signal and image processing, as well as
medical professionals whose work involves ultrasonic diagnosis, will
greatly benefit from this book. Familiarizing them with the state of the
art in despeckling methods for medical ultrasonic images, it offers a
useful reference guide for their study and research work.