Much has been written and said about the prophets of the Old Testament
beingrather harsh spokesmen for God. However, as we read through the
prophets, we find time and again the anguish and heartache expressed by
God throughHis prophets and His great love for His creatures, sinful and
rebellious thoughthey be.The purpose of the devotional, Designated for
Assignment: God's Love in theMinor Prophets, is to bring to the
forefront, the great love of our Creator. We seethis evidenced
especially in these twelve short books written primarily to thepeople of
Judah and Israel, but also to Gentiles as well.Each of the twelve
devotionals in this book highlight aspects of this love andremind the
reader of the wondrous, loving character of God, culminating in
Hissending His only Son to die and redeem mankind. It is the purpose of
the bookto draw readers closer to our Heavenly Father by gaining a fresh
appreciationof the great love He has for us.