Synthesis is a crucial component of future CAll s;ystems. The
competitive edge of IC desiBn will most probcbly come frc-'1l the use of
effective synthesis tools. A complete synthesis system should generate
layout masks from a high-level algorithmic, behavioral or functional
des- cription of a VLSI systen, [1 description of the target tech-
nology and a description of the constraints and cost func- tions. The
design should be completed in reasonable time and with the quality a
human designer could obtain. Working designs have been produced with
silicon compilers, but the quality of the design has always been a
problem. n1ile for a restricted class of designs, such 2S Digital Signal
Processors (DSP), the use of a fixed floor-plan has been successful, its
use for less constrp.ined applications results in inefficient
utilizstion of areE and poor perfor- mance. In addition, the structure
of the control logic is of- ten too rigid end not optimized, thus
yielding F: slm'! and large chip. The present trend is to bre8t: the
synthesis pro- cess into stages, end to use tools thet optimize rep.l
estate Bnd/or performance to go from one stege to the next. This book
covers most of the topics in the design of di- gital VLSI Circuits, 2nd
focuses on theory, as well as algo- rithms and co puter implementations
of desiGn systems.