In engineering and economics a certain vector of inputs or decisions
must often be chosen, subject to some constraints, such that the
expected costs arising from the deviation between the output of a
stochastic linear system and a desired stochastic target vector are
minimal. In many cases the loss function u is convex and the occuring
random variables have, at least approximately, a joint discrete
distribution. Concrete problems of this type are stochastic linear
programs with recourse, portfolio optimization problems, error
minimization and optimal design problems. In solving stochastic
optimization problems of this type by standard optimization software,
the main difficulty is that the objective function F and its derivatives
are defined by multiple integrals. Hence, one wants to omit, as much as
possible, the time-consuming computation of derivatives of F. Using the
special structure of the problem, the mathematical foundations and
several concrete methods for the computation of feasible descent
directions, in a certain part of the feasible domain, are presented
first, without any derivatives of the objective function F. It can also
be used to support other methods for solving discretely distributed
stochastic programs, especially large scale linear programming and
stochastic approximation methods.