The English and Romanian Adoptees (ERA) study constituted an invaluable
"natural experiment" in which there was a rapid, easily-timed transition
from a profoundly depriving environment in Romanian institutions to
generally well-functioning adoptive families in England. Multimodal
methods of assessment were used throughout the assessments at 4, 6, 11,
and 15 years of age. Four key findings were particularly striking.
First, institutional deprivation was associated with an apparently
deprivation-specific pattern of combinations of quasiautism,
disinhibited attachment, cognitive impairment, and
inattention/overactivity. Second, longitudinal growth curves showed a
relative deceleration of growth between 11 and 15 years (possibly due to
early puberty). Third, institutional deprivation without subnutrition
was associated with a major impairment in head growth. Fourth, the
effects of institutional deprivation were as strong at 15 years as they
had been earlier in childhood.