This volume contains the articles presented at the Fourth
InternationallFIP Working Conference on Dependable Computing for
Critical Applications held in San Diego, California, on January 4-6,
1994. In keeping with the previous three conferences held in August 1989
at Santa Barbara (USA), in February 1991 at Tucson (USA), and in
September 1992 at Mondello (Italy), the conference was concerned with an
important basic question: can we rely on computer systems for critical
applications? This conference, like its predecessors, addressed various
aspects of dependability, a broad term defined as the degree of trust
that may justifiably be placed in a system's reliability, availability,
safety, security and performance. Because of its broad scope, a main
goal was to contribute to a unified understanding and integration of
these concepts. The Program Committee selected 21 papers for
presentation from a total of 95 submissions at a September meeting in
Menlo Park, California. The resulting program represents a broad
spectrum of interests, with papers from universities, corporations and
government agencies in eight countries. The selection process was
greatly facilitated by the diligent work of the program committee
members, for which we are most grateful. As a Working Conference, the
program was designed to promote the exchange of ideas by extensive
discussions. All paper sessions ended with a 30 minute discussion period
on the topics covered by the session. In addition, three panel sessions
have been organizcd.