Decision & Control in Management Science analyzes emerging decision
problems in the management and engineering sciences. It is divided into
five parts. The first part explores methodological issues involved in
the optimization of deterministic and stochastic dynamical systems. The
second part describes approaches to the model energy and environmental
systems and draws policy implications related to the mitigation of
pollutants. The third part applies quantitative techniques to problems
in finance and economics, such as hedging of options, inflation
targeting, and equilibrium asset pricing. The fourth part considers a
series of problems in production systems. Optimization methods are put
forward to provide optimal policies in areas such as inventory
management, transfer-line, flow-shop and other industrial problems. The
last part covers game theory. Chapters range from theoretical issues to
applications in politics and interactions in franchising systems.
Decision & Control in Management Science is an excellent reference
covering methodological issues and applications in operations research,
optimal control, and dynamic games.