This classic science fiction novel by Harry Harrison was originally
serialised in Astounding Science Fiction magazine. It follows
professional gambler, Jason dinAlt, who uses his psionic abilities to
rig games of chance. He is challenged by Kerk Pyruss, ambassador for the
planet Pyrrus, to ply his trade with a large sum at a government casino.
He succeeds and avoids their attempts to reclaim his winnings. On a whim
he decides to accompany Kerk back to Pyruss. It turns out to be the most
deadly planet ever colonised by humans. Will he survive? Find out in
this classic sci-fi adventure. This work is part of our Vintage Sci-Fi
Classics Series, a series in which we are republishing some of the best
stories in the genre by some of its most acclaimed authors, such as
Isaac Asimov, Marion Zimmer Bradley, and Robert Sheckley. Each
publication is complete with a short introduction to the history of
science fiction.