A brilliant schemer never rests, but for Tyvian Reldamar, he might
finally be over his head. The Saga of the Redeemed continues with Dead
But Once, Auston Habershaw's latest fantasy following The Oldest
Trick and No Good Deed.
Arch-criminal Tyvian Reldamar has gotten complacent.
For him, he's reached the pinnacle of all he's really hoping to achieve:
he's got money, he's got women (some of which aren't even trying to kill
him), and he's got his loyal friends and family nearby and safe.
Except...maybe not so safe.
Because this is Eretheria, a city known as much for its genteel
aristocracy as for its diabolical scheming. Long without a king, the
scions of the ruling families scrabble for control--including levying
cruel taxes and drafts on the peasantry in order to wage "polite" wars
against each other.
And now, of course, Tyvian is finding himself drawn into it.
With a swashbuckling flare, old fans and new readers alike will be swept
up into this world of magic, crime, and political intrigue where life is
cheap and justice too expensive.